Belief is two miles daily in ratty sneakers the oak with the dead limb the porch with the tandem swing neighbor’s schnauzer at the picture window for sale sign sways under the white post I turn for home at the hydrant wind into the collar soft frayed coat sleeve patch...
Everything Holy is Written the Egyptian priest tilts the clay tablet so water from the hieroglyphics can splash on his shaved head and drip from his chin the Muslim calligrapher swims words onto rubbed paper while the desert watches from the open window the Irish monk...
Shrine racks of candles in the desert chapel photographs of smiles locks of hair taped to postcards of saints folded notes lean against the statue of Jesus at the ancient spring south of Kildare strings with tin bells, ribbons, jewelry and soggy cloth sacks sway...
World Without End an old man sits by the bedroom window his grandmother’s clock competes with the rumbling furnace the refrigerator hum the crack of his knees each evening, the phone on the nightstand brings his daughter’s voice all the way from Cleveland like the...
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